New Living Room Floor Project Template | HomeZada

New Living Room Floor

New Living Room Floor

You can freshen the look of many rooms by replacing old and worn out flooring with a new floor. With living rooms, it is common to choose either carpet or wood flooring. It is a good idea to measure the dimensions of the room to estimate the quantity of material required to replace the floors. It is good to understand how many flooring transitions there are with adjacent rooms.

Minor Remodel
Typical Items:

High Estimate:
Moderate Estimate:
Low Estimate

Items to budget for living room flooring

Here is a basic list of items to budget for with replacing the flooring in your living room

Base Boards Paint
Flooring Labor


How to install flooring in the living room

The most important aspects are to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.  You might consider a professional to do the installation work for you as well.

You can help set up the room by moving the furniture to a different room and carefully remove the baseboards.  Then you can tear up the existing carpeting and padding so that the subfloor is ready for the new flooring to be installed.

Here is a video from Armstrong floors on how to install a glue down hardwood floor.



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